

Hair are the frame that help anyone look beautiful. The hair is ‘fed’ by blood vessels at the base of the follicle, which give it the nourishment it needs to grow. Between starting to grow and falling out years later, each hair passes through four stages: anagen, catagen, telogen and exogen. Every hair can be at a different stage of the growth cycle at any given time.

  • Growing Phase: It lasts 2-7 years and determines the length of our hair.
  • Transition Phase: This is the transitional stage that lasts about 10 days. The hair follicle shrinks and detaches from the dermal papilla.
  • Resting Phase: This is the resting phase which lasts around three months. Around 10-15 percent of hairs are in this phase. Whilst the old hair is resting, a new hair begins the growth phase.
  • New Hair Phase: This is part of the resting phase where the old hair sheds and a new hair continues to grow.

Approximately 50 to 150 hairs can fall out daily, this is considered to be normal hair shedding. During pregnancy the hair growing stage is prolonged that means the high levels of estrogen. This hormone increases the flow and circulation of blood, thus strengthening the roots. There are very few hairs in resting mode and the overall hair fall is low. As a result of this, women have thicker and stronger hair during pregnancy.

You can enjoy this phases by adding high nutrients fruits and vegetables in your diet along with opting natural shampoo and herbal oils (check https://josbeautystore.com/product/bundle-deal/ )

However, things change post-delivery called postpartum phase, where the estrogen levels in the body fall and the hair follicles go into rest mode and start falling abruptly. A sudden change in hormones, causes hair fall, but the good news; it is not permanent! After pregnancy, mothers go through a shedding period which usually lasts only for 6 to 8 months.

It is also important to note that the amount of hair fall post-pregnancy will differ from one mother to another. For instance, this sudden increase in hair fall may become more prominent in women with longer hair. You must consult your physician if you think that your hair fall is increasing by the day.


  • Eat fresh and healthy after pregnancy is important to maintain healthy skin and hair.
  • Vitamin supplements can really help in controlling the loss of hair post-pregnancy. Consult your physician before taking vitamins.
  • Be extra gentle with your hair while washing. Use a shampoo that increases volume in your hair and wash your hair only when necessary. Also, use combs with widely spaced teeth.
  • Do hair oiling to keep them hydrated (Check https://josbeautystore.com/product/bundle-deal/ )
  • Avoid using heat directly on your hair as it may cause irreversible damage. It is best to skip blow dryers and hot irons.
  • Avoid tight hairstyles that pull your hair and cause them to break from the root.
  • Avoid stress. Stay calm yourself by sparing time for yourself and enjoy playing with your little one.